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Notice re: Burning Brush

Posted on Tuesday, December 07, 2021 01:18 PM


Township Staff will be burning brush at the

Norway Lake Transfer Station

December 7-10, 2021

Comprehensive Zoning By-law Consolidation/Update

Posted on Friday, December 03, 2021 01:49 PM



The Comprehensive Zoning By-law Consolidation/Update forThe Township of Greater Madawaska!

The Township of Greater Madawaska has begun the process of updating its Comprehensive Zoning By-law 22-2003. The purpose of the project is to revise the standards and provisions for the development of land to ensure they reflect the overarching land use planning goals and objectives for the Township.

Among other things, a Zoning By-law regulates:

  • how land may be used;
  • where buildings and other...

Debbie Robinson Warden of the County of Renfrew

Posted on Monday, November 15, 2021 03:29 PM

County of Renfrew Media Release

November 15, 2021

Debbie Robinson Warden of the County of Renfrew

Laurentian Valley Township Reeve Acclaimed Warden for Third Term

Fall/Winter Water Level Adjustments

Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2021 11:06 AM

Ontario Power Generation would like to notify residents that Monday October 11, 2021 marked the end of the summer water levels. OPG will begin adjustments to the water levels during the fall and winter months. When the proper environmental conditions have been reached, water levels at the generating stations along the Madawaska River will be drawn down to encourage amphibians and reptiles to hibernate safely. 

For more information please view Important notice: Fall/winter water level adjustments...

Survey for our Growth Readiness Plan

Posted on Friday, November 05, 2021 09:18 AM


Your help is needed. The Township of Greater Madawaska is working towards creating a Growth Readiness Action Plan.
Please help by completing our survey to share your experiences living, working, and visiting the Township. Please share this survey with any friends, family, and fellow community members that may also be able to help. All responses will help shape the direction for our community.

Survey monkey link:

Printable PDF:
Growth Readiness Plan Survey


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