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Fire Department Heavy Rescue Van

Posted on Friday, October 29, 2021 10:06 AM

October 29th, 2021

Greater Madawaska Fire Department Welcomes Addition of Heavy Rescue Van

Griffith: The Greater Madawaska Fire Department and the Township of Greater Madawaska Mayor and
Council, we are delighted to announce the purchase of a new Heavy Rescue Van.

Council approved the purchase of the 2011 Heavy Rescue Van during the September 20, 2021 Council
Meeting, for a cost of $145,000. The walk-in style van is in excellent condition with only just over
10,000km. In 2011, this Van was built at...

Looking for Photos

Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 03:52 PM

Do you have photos that you would like to share?

We are looking for photos taken within the Township of Greater Madawaska that can be used to update our O’Canada video and that can be shared on our website and Facebook page.

Please send photos that you are willing to share, by email to the Deputy Clerk, or through our Facebook Messenger page. Be sure to include a description of the location in the photo and please ensure there are no faces and names are visible.

We look forward to viewing submissions...

Fire Prevention Week

Posted on Wednesday, October 06, 2021 09:31 AM

Fire Prevention Week, October 3-9, 2021

Every Second Counts: Plan Two Ways Out!

You could have less than two minutes to escape

a home fire from the time a smoke alarm sounds.

Make sure you know tow ways out from

various locations in your home.


Ontario Tourism Recovery Program

Posted on Tuesday, October 05, 2021 08:49 AM

The Ontario Tourism Recovery Program (OTRP) will support eligible tourism businesses that have been hardest hit by COVID-19. OTRP is a competitive, application-based program supporting private-sector tourism businesses that are significant drivers for their regional tourism economies.

Program funding will help successful applicants:

  • prepare to reopen safely
  • develop adaptative and innovative tourism products
  • retain and create tourism jobs
  • support tourism recovery in their region and throughout...

Griffith Highway 41 Speed Limit Survey

Posted on Monday, September 27, 2021 11:26 AM

A survey was released earlier this year regarding the speed limit on Highway 41 in Griffith. The surveys were distributed to various locations and were made available on the Township website. The deadline for the surveys to be returned was July 31, 2021. The surveys were collected and data was compiled. View a copy of the survery and the survey results.

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