Poster Calling for Family Sponsorships for Canada Day
The Township Canada Day Committee is excited to announce a new fundraising initiative. 🇨🇦
The Committee is inviting a limited number of families to make a sponsorship donation of $100 each in your family’s name to support the Canada Day festivities in Calabogie.
Your generous sponsorship will help fund the activities available for the kids to enjoy free of charge. As well, your family’s name will be included on a sponsorship banner displayed at the event. 
Share this post with friends, family, and neighbours to spread word, and let's make this Canada Day an unforgettable celebration for the kids! 
The $100 Sponsorship Donations can be made by e-transfer to (include “Canada Day Family Donation” in the e-transfer memo) or by cash, cheque, or debit at the Township Office.
We’re incredibly grateful for your support and generosity.
Spots are limited, so don’t hesitate!

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