Recyclable Items
Containers – Glass, metal, and plastic
- Aluminum Plates
- Cardboard cans (frozen juice, peanuts, hot chocolate)
- Cartons (milk, juice, and cream)
- Clam shells (plastic produce and bakery containers)
- Egg Cartons (plastic)
- Glass bottles and jars (lids removed)
- Juice Boxes
- Paint Cans: Metal, empty, dry (lids removed)
- Plastic bottles, jugs, tubs, and lids (i.e., food and beverage containers, household cleaning products, laundry detergent, shampoo bottles etc.)
- Pop/juice cans
- Small scrap metal items (i.e., utensils, pots, pans, baking sheets, metal coat hangers etc.)
- Steel cans
- Yogurt, pudding, applesauce cups
Fibres – paper, boxboard, and cardboard
- Books (soft and hard covers removed)
- Boxboard (cereal, tissue, cracker boxes)
- Brown paper bags
- Cardboard boxes
- Catalogues and magazines
- Envelopes
- File folders
- Frozen food boxes
- Greeting cards
- Junk mail
- Newspapers and flyers
- Paper (coloured and white)
- Paper towel rolls (empty)
- Shredded paper (in clear plastic bags)
- Telephone books
- Toilet paper rolls (empty)
- Wrapping paper (not metallic)
NON-Recyclable Items (garbage)
- Aerosal cans (empty)
- Binders
- Blister plastic packaging
- Bubble wrap
- Candles
- Candy bar wrappers
- CD/DVD cases
- Ceramics
- Cereal/cracker box liners
- Chip bags
- Christmas tree lights
- Clementine boxes
- Clothesline
- Cookie bags
- Cork
- Crayons
- Dialysis tubing
- Diapers
- Diaper Wipes
- Dishes
- Disposable mop sheets
- Dog/Cat food bags
- Dryer sheets and lint
- Feminine hygiene products
- Florist foam
- Flowerpots/trays
- Foil (pouches/packets)
- Furnace filters
- Garden hose
- Kitty litter
- Latex gloves
- Light bulbs
- Mirrors
- Pet waste
- Photographs
- Planting trays/pots
- Plastic bags (all types)
- Plastic cutlery
- Plastic wrap
- Pool noodles
- Rags
- Rope
- Sandwich bags
- Shoes
- Straws
- Styrofoam (all types and colours)
- Tissue Paper
- Toys
- Vacuum bags
- VHS Tapes & Cases
- Wallpaper
Tipping Fees
Each site accepts cash or cheques only. Payment must be made to the Site Attendant before dumping.
Fees are for:
- Furniture
- Mattresses
- bulky items
- construction and demolition materials
- Large toys
- Brush (limbs/branches over 3” diameter)
There are no fees for:
- Household garbage
- Recycling
- Electronics
- Tires
- Scrap metal
- Brush and Yard Waste (limbs/branches must be under a 3” diameter)
Item | Rate |
Appliances with O.D.P. (Air conditioners, freezers, fridges etc.)
$45.00 per item
Furniture (including microwaves)
$5.00 per item
Pick Up Truck
$20 per load
Single Axle Trailer
$30 per load
Double Axle Trailer
$100 per load
Roll off Bins
$20.00 per yard
Single Axle Dump Truck
$200.00 per load
Tandem Axle Dump Truck
$300.00 per load
Tri-Axle Dump Truck
$400.00 per load
Tractor Trailer
$550.00 per load
Household Hazardous Waste
The depot is located at 376 Bruce Street in Renfrew and is open from May to August, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Check the Town of Renfrew website for current hours of operation and additional information. The depot can be used free of charge by residents of Greater Madawaska.
The following types of materials can be brought to the depot:
- Paints: all types of paint and stains, varnish, spray paint, etc
- Solvents: turpentine, disinfectants, household cleaners, bleach, oven and drain cleaners, etc
- Automotive Fluids: used oil, brake fluid, gasoline, anti-freeze, etc
- Batteries: small standard, button, small tool, car and boat batteries
- Propane tanks
- Pool cleaners and chemicals
- Herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, weed killer, etc
- Oil filters and oil cartridges
- Light Bulbs and Tubes (all types except PCB ballasts)
- Fire Extinguishers
- Aerosols
- Non-refillable pressurized containers: acetylene, refrigerant, propane, helium, co2 cylinders
- Pharmaceuticals and medication (no needles)
- Mercury bulb thermostats and switches
All of these products must be in their original containers or disposed of safely and separately from the regular household garbage.
For further information contact the Town of Renfrew at 613-432-4848

Electronic Waste
Electronic devices are composed of reusable materials like plastic and precious metals that can be recycled and put back into manufacturing.
Some items that can be recycled are:
- Televisions, Display Devices
- Drones
- Home Audio/Video Systems
- Computers, Computers Accessories
- Home Theatre Systems
- Cameras, Security Cameras
- Printers
- Video Gaming Systems
- Phones
For more information regarding recyclable electronic waste please see the EPRA website.
Blue Boxes
Blue boxes are available for purchase from the Township Office for $5 each.
Annual Reports
For annual reports regarding the Transfer Stations visit our Plans, Reports, and Studies page
Waste and Recycling Strategy
As part of the Township's Goals and Objectives for 2017 the Public Works Department was asked to develop a plan to increase the diversion of recyclable materials from our waste stream.
The Waste Diversion Plan was presented and accepted by Council.