The Planning Department is responsible for the overall planning and policy direction for land development in the Township. This includes Official Plan and Zoning By-Law administration, review and processing of development applications and administration and recommendations of growth and land use considerations to Council.

The department also advises Council on proposed changes to the Township's land use planning documents. Land use planning documents include Official Plan, which sets out the general vision, goals and objectives for the Township; and the Township's Zoning By-Law which implements the Official Plan policies through provisions, standards and setbacks for building use, location and size.

Planning Applications

Contact us if you need help with completing an application.

Applicants can also pick up application forms from the Township Office located at 19 Parnell Street, Calabogie.

Current Planning Applications

Current Zoning By-Law Amendments can be viewed on the Public Meetings Page.

Current Minor Variances can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustments Page.

For Meeting Schedule and Information see the Meetings and Information Portal.

Planning Fees

Please note that these fees only include the Township of Greater Madawaska fees. There may be applicable fees from other agencies during the process.

Consent per new lot created, boundary adjustment or easement requested (not including retained parcel) $800
Concurrent Consent Application in the same land holding $200
Rights-of-Way/Easements (associated with concurrent consent application) - each servient parcel (property giving the ROW/easement) $200
Validation of title, cancellation of consent, other consent applications $300
Minor Variance $850 + $1,000 Deposit
Recirculation for Consent or Minor Variance 50% of Application Fee
Deferral Fee for Consent or Minor Variance 50%, payable prior to reactivation of the application
Zoning Amendment Application $2,000 + $2,000 Deposit
Zoning Lifting of Holding (h) Symbol $600
Temporary Use By-law $1,400
Official Plan Amendment $1,500
Site Plan Applications $2,000 + $5,000 Deposit
Site Plan Amendment (Red-line revision to a site plan approved within the past 12 months) 50% of Application Fee
Draft Plan of Subdivision or Condominium $2,000 + $7,500 Deposit
Red-Line Revision to Draft-Approved Subdivision/Condominium 50% of Application Fee
Subdivision Agreement $3,000 + $5,000 Deposit
Subdivision Agreement Amendment 50% of Application Fee + $2,000 Deposit
Pre-Servicing Agreement $600
Draft Plan Approval Extension $400
Part Lot Control By-law (within a registered plan of subdivision) $400
Deeming By-Law $400
Liftin of One-Foot Reserves $400
Development Agreements (Consent/URA Agreements) $600 base + $200 per additional affected lot/party (+ $2,000 Deposit)
Shoreline Road Allowance Closure/Purchase of Town-Owned Lands (Application Fee Only) $1,250 per recipient lot + Associated costs and costs of land (+ $2,000 Deposit)
Zoning Certificate  $75
Inspection related to Consent (Sewage Comment) $125.00
Parkland Dedication Fee – Waterfront Lot $800.00
Parkland Dedication Fee - Non Waterfront Lot $600.00
Parkland Dedication Fee – Residential Subdivision and all other land uses including Institutional uses 5% of the appraised value
Parkland Dedication Fee – Commercial or Industrial use 2% of the appraised value

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a planning inquiry?

Inquiries can be sent by email or mail to the Planning Department. You can also contact the Planning Department by phone at 613-752-2222.

Information related to a specific property please have the civic address or your assessment roll number for the property you are inquiring about.

Due to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act specific property information will only be provided to the property owner.

What is the zoning of my property?

To find the zoning on your property you can view the Township of Greater Madawaska Zoning Maps based on your geographic area. Maps are found on the "Zoning" webpage.

Staff in the Planning Department are always available by phone or e-mail to assist you.

Where can I find a map of my property?

If you require a survey of your property you will need to contact the Land Registry office or an Ontraio Land Surveryor.

For an illustrative map of your property your can visit the County of Renfrew's GIS Mapping System and search by your property address. These maps are not 100% accurate and are to be used as guidelines.

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