Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing
On April 18th, 2024, Council passed By-law 19-2024 to licence, regulate and govern Short-Term Rental Accommodations in the Township.
PLEASE NOTE: The original licensing date of January 1, 2025 has been changed, as we await for the online form portal to be available. The online form portal will be available in January 2025 and as of April 1, 2025, the Township of Greater Madawaska will require licensing to operate a short-term rental accommodation. The Application Guide provides details to assist applicants in completing the requirements for licensing.
The Township of Greater Madawaska is committed to being an inviting, safe, and inclusive community that values and protects its rural character, heritage, and natural environment. Our Short-Term Rental Accommodation By-law is designed to regulate short-term rental properties and create a harmonious living environment for both residents and visitors.
The objective of the Short-term Rental Accommodation By-law is to:
- Ensure the safety of all occupants.
- Preserve the character of our community.
- Balance the interests of residents and visitors.
Registration Process - License Required April 1, 2025
Step 1 - Prepare for your application
Download the Short-Term Accommodations Application Checklist. This list will assist you with the collection and preparation of all documentation you will require for completing your application. Please also check the Application Guide for helpful examples of some of the documents required.
Step 2 - Apply for a Licence
Prior to beginning the application, ensure that you have read through our Short-Term Accommodation Application Guide.
Once you have prepared all required documentation as stated in Step 1 and have read over the application guide, please click the link below to complete your application.
Thank you for your patience, Link Coming Soon
Step 3 – Application Review and Licence Issuance
Once the application has been submitted, staff will review the information provided, considering Municipal and Provincial regulations, to confirm compliance. Should the application be missing information or not conform to a regulation or by-law, the applicant will be advised via email. Applicants will be given the opportunity to update the application or provide any missing documentation and resubmit.
If the application is found to be in compliance, the applicant will be advised. If a site inspection is required it will be arranged with the applicable Department.
If a licence must be denied, the applicant will be advised, including with reasons for denial.
Resources and Links
Council Reports and Presentation
- Reports to Council
- Presentation
Useful Links
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is a Short-Term Accommodation?
A Short-Term Accommodation (STA) is the rental of a property for less than 28 days in duration. This would include renting a private room in a home, an entire home, a seasonal property, or any other space for 28 days or less. |
Does my site and floor plan need to be completed by a professional?
No, they do not. A hand-drawn map or diagram is acceptable. Drawings must be legible, detailed and show all structures, parking area, septic system, street, etc. |
What type of insurance is required?
The Property Owner must hold liability insurance of not less than $2 million dollars per occurrence for property damage and bodily injury. |
By-law enforcement and entry
Municipal law enforcement officers enforce municipal by-laws. When a complaint is received, it is investigated to determine if there has been a by-law violation. The appropriate action will then be taken to resolve the matter. At any time, an officer may enter onto land for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether by-laws are being obeyed. |
Zoning by-law and regulation
The zoning by-law does not prohibit the use of a dwelling unit (e.g. entire cottage or home) for any length of time (e.g. short term or long term) to be rented. However, if a room rental is provided, providing or selling meals and/or drink is strictly prohibited as this would be considered a bed and breakfast establishment. Bed and breakfasts are only permitted on properties with specific zoning that permits this use. |
Being a good neighbour
The Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licensing By-law was crafted with considerable guidance from residents, operators, Council, and other municipalities. It was designed to help protect the safety of operators, renters, and neighbours, allowing everyone to have an enjoyable experience in Greater Madawaska.
Operators protect their neighbours and renters by submitting plans and agreements to the Township for approval.
Renters protect operators and neighbours by acknowledging their responsibility to keep the unit clean and keep gatherings reasonable. Renters should refer to information on this website to see if there are any fire restrictions in place and should refer to our By-laws page to see what local by-laws they should be familiar with when visiting our Township.
Operators and Renters should always be courteous and respectful of their neighbours’ concerns. Work together to resolve them. Share concerns with the rental operator or designated responsible person. If the concerns are not resolved and they are regulated by a municipal by-law, report the concern for assistance from By-law Enforcement.