A Refreshment Vehicle/Stand License is required to operate a refreshment vehicle/stand within the Township of Greater Madawaska. Please refer to By-law 32-2018 for details regarding to the regulation and operation of refreshment vehicles/stands with the Township.

The application and required documents should be submitted using the online application. Please contact the Township office if you require a different format of the application.

Please allow a minimum of 14 days for license processing, prior to your preferred opening date.

Required Documents to be submitted with the application include:

  • Permission letter from Property Owner
    • Written permission is required from the property owner that states the Owner/Operator of the Refreshment Vehicle/Stand has permission to use the property.
  • Site Plan for Refreshment Vehicle/Stand location
    • A detailed site plan is required showing the vehicle/stand location on the property, all structures on the property, distance between vehicle/stand and structures, distance between vehicle/stand and property lines, etc. The site plan will be forwarded to the Planning and Building Department for review, comment, and approval
  • Extinguishing System and Exhaust Hood Inspection (valid for 6 months)
  • Fire Extinguisher ABD and K Inspection (valid for 1 year)
  • Propane Inspection - TSSA
  • Letter of Approval from Health Department
    • Written notice is required from the Renfrew County and District Health Unit stating that the Refreshment Vehicle/Stand complies with all applicable health regulations. You must contact the Health Unit to arrange for an inspection: Phone: 613-732-3629 ext. 566 Email: bpriebe@rcdhu.com
  • Proof of Vehicle Ownerhsip
  • Proof of Business Registration
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance

Once all neccessary documents have been recieved, you will be contacted to schedule an Inspection by the Fire Chief. The Inspection will take place within 14 days of receiving the completed application form.

Staff will submit the Site Plan to the Planning Department for review and approval.

Upon completion of the approval process, you will be notifed.

The licence fee for a Refreshment Vehicle/Stand is $175.00 due upon license pick up.

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