The Township of Greater Madawaska has many Service Clubs that work to build a community where everyone can live comfortably and find the support they need.
Check the list, is there a group that can help you, or is there a group that you would like to help?
Calabogie and Area Home Support |
Phone: 613-752-2828 Email: Facebook: Calabogie and Area Home Support Inc Address: 4984 Calabogie Road, Calabogie, ON |
Calabogie Food Bank |
Phone: 613-752-1257 Email: Address: 4984 Calabogie Road, Calabogie, ON
The Calabogie and Area Food Bank is located at 4984 Calabogie Rd, Calabogie (below the Calabogie Pharmacy) The Food Bank serves the entire Township of Greater Madawaska and is open every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. If you need assistance please call 613-752-1257. Volunteers are an integral part of helping The Food Bank accept and distribute food donations. If you are able to give some time please contact the Food Bank.
Calabogie Lions Club |
Contact: Barrie Nicholas Phone: 613-752-0915 Email: Facebook: Calabogie Lions Club Address: 574 Mill Street, Calabogie, ON |
Denbigh Griffith Lions Club |
Contact: Theresa Pierce Phone: 613-333-1984 Phone: 613-222-1144 Email: Facebook: Denbigh-Griffith Lions Club Address: 25991B Hwy 41, Griffith, ON |
Greater Madawaska Seniors Housing Corporation |
Contact: Steven Green - President Phone: 647-454-8589 Email: Address: Griffith, ON The Greater Madawaska Seniors Housing Corporation is a charitable, not for profit organization with 153 members. It’s present mandate is to help seniors stay in their homes for a longer period. There are 2 main programs offered to the people of Griffith, Matawatchan, Denbigh and Vennachar. 1) Seniors Program: offers financial assistance to low income seniors to help with home maintenance, transportation and other needs. Assistance is also offered to fill out forms to get assistance or referrals for special needs. 2)Foot care program: All seniors of the area can receive foot care in Griffith every 6 weeks at a reduced cost. (subsidized costs for clients are related to revenue). We also offer special events, recreation and educational programs. Membership is open to all residents of Griffith, Matawatchan, Denbigh and Venachar. Seniors 55 and older can benefit from our programs. The fee is $5.00 for 1 year, $10.00 for 3 years or $50.00 for a lifetime membership. The corporation started as a Township committee to look into the need for housing for seniors in June, 2009. The committee incorporated in April 2010. |
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